As-A-Service Comes to CSR and ESG
Did you notice the Seismic shift in the CSR domain? CSR is now a bottom-up business imperative and no longer a top-down, discretionary initiative. This has given rise to a critical need for As-a-Service Platforms that can enable companies through technology, to address and impact social issues at scale. A Top Imperative is in Artificial Intelligence Skilling and Education that helps students and employees avoid becoming obsolete and ensures long-term opportunity and career advancement.
Why should you focus on AI UpSkilling?
65% of School Children will get into jobs that don’t exist today, thanks to the AI Industrial Revolution. 42% of Core Skills in all jobs will be replaced by AI. Unfortunately, Schools, Colleges, and Corporates do not have the necessary infrastructure or talent, or Scale to implement AI Skilling programs.
Corporates want to take advantage of As-A-Service Platforms to step up, own, sponsor, and scale critical AI Skills education.
For Example, Amazon has rolled out, partnering with WiselyWise, a nationwide initiative to upskill their nominated School students.
Fortune 500 giants are engaging WiselyWise in their Outreach and Volunteer Programs furthering AI education in communities globally. Many Corporates, large and small, are seriously evaluating and investing in similar initiatives.
Our Profile:
WiselyWise helps corporates plug the gaps in AI Skilling Via WiseCentral As-A-Service AI Education Platform. With the help of Corporate Sponsors, we currently impact 150 Schools and 50,000 students, with amazing Outcomes, based on an International Curriculum aligned to Harvard’s Creative Computing Curriculum, MIT’s AI Strategy Course, and Content from AI Leaders like Amazon. For corporates, adopting our Platform allows them to satisfy their stakeholders as now the engagement becomes real, easy, authentic, scalable, and measurable.
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