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Machine Learning in Python Online Program from National University of Singapore (NUS)

Machine learning is rated as #1 among The Best Jobs with a 344% rate of growth and a median salary of $146,085 per year as per the Employment Website Indeed.com. The World Economic Forum estimates 85 million jobs will be displaced, yet AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025.

WiselyWise, the leader in AI Education, is happy to bring you the prestigious Machine Learning in Python Program from the National University of Singapore(NUS).  

NUS ranks Number 1 in Asia across Universities and NUS’ programmes in the areas of Arts and Social Sciences, Computer Science, Design and Engineering, and Science were placed Top 10 in the 2022 rankings, according to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings https://news.nus.edu.sg/sixteen-nus-programmes-in-global-top-10 

The Program is designed for Learners to study Machine Learning in Python over a 3 week period and to apply their learning to practical problems. Designed and Delivered by NUS Faculty, You will learn in a Unique hands-on Virtual Class Mode. 

This is an Open Course for the benefit of learners from several countries. You will learn in an Intensive Mode requiring Online Class learning and Offline study spread across 3 Weeks. At the end of the program, you will be presenting a Project focused on Real-world problems and their solutions. You will be assessed throughout the course and provided a Certificate of Completion.